Day: March 21, 2023

Qualities You Need For Betting

Orderliness, order and planning are the keys to success in any area, without exception. Including betting. So, if you do not have a goal, there is no vector of movement, guidelines and awareness of what exactly you are striving for (and how this can be achieved), it is not possible to achieve success.

The practice of a whole generation shows that if a bettor does not have a set goal, then the outcome is predictable – in the end you risk losing control over your money, the state of affairs, the situation and in general over everything, having lost everything that is for a few unsuccessful bets. This is very important for, first of all, beginners who risk losing patience immediately after 2-3 unsuccessful bets and act, submitting to emotions and greed, trying to win back. There can be only one result in this case – bankruptcy.

Before placing bets, you need to understand the following aspects and truthfully answer the question of what place betting takes in life.

Ability to take risks

In some cases, betting is nothing more than roulette (this is how players perceive it). Especially risky people who crave new sensations devote almost all their money to the game, which, however, will not be a pity to lose. These people are not critical of the loss of this money, they choose events with incredible risk, huge odds, and in some cases win. Betting, then, is more like a casino or classic roulette – money is wagered on an event that can happen (but is unlikely).

Another category of players stands on the opposite side of the barricades and betting for them is investment. Semi-professionals or professionals who are aware that bets can really bring good money with the right approach. By the way, in such an environment, a 10% return on investment is a good result. It’s simple – with 10,000 invested, you get 1,000 net earnings. In the long run, such profit without net risk makes good money.

Most often, beginners are faced with such a problem – they cannot calculate their risk. Yes, many start right, not risking in vain and slowly increasing their own bankroll, but sooner or later more than half of the players break down and, trying to earn as much as possible, increase the risks many times over, pouring out all their money.

Speed or quality

How long are you planning to bet? The longest betting period is considered to be at least one year. Thus, according to calculations, the average rate should not exceed the 2% mark. Because after several unprofitable sessions (which, you can be sure, will take place), you can fall into an incredible negative, a real abyss. Dosed risk, however, can occur as your potential profit will increase as the odds (rather than the stake) increase.

If you managed to get good money in the shortest possible time period, be sure that this is just luck, as well as another valuable quality that you suddenly discovered in yourself – the ability to stop in time.

It is logical to assume that as your risk increases, you decrease your stake. And vice versa – as the amount you want to bet on an event grows, events with minimal risks will be selected. Learn the theory of betting – the odds offered for favorites are constantly underestimated and they are not able to reflect the real probability. Betting on favorites, if you win, it will be a very small amount. If the favorite loses, you lose tangible money, which is several times higher than the size of the potential profit.

Summing up, it is worth noting that you can get good money in a short time frame only when you are lucky and you can take risks soberly. Prioritize what you need – stability and a small amount of money, or you are ready for big risks and a chance to get several times more.